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Get FREE SEO training on how to start a blog and earn money using free SEO tools chosen from the best SEO tools. The training covers basic as well as advanced factors to start to blog.

How To Start A Blog

This site provides FREE training on how to start a blog on Blogger, Google Sites, and Wordpress which are the 3 best free platforms for blogging. Google's Blogger is the best and most user-friendly platform. Google Sites is a newer platform more suited for conducting online classes. Wordpress is good but difficult to use and has advertisements limitations. The numerous advantages of using Blogger are given below. Beginners are advised to read the post on what is blog before they begin to start to blog.

Create a blog on Google Blogger!
How To Create A Blog On Blogger

Create a blog on Google sites!
How To Create A Blog On Google Sites

Create a blog on Wordpress!
How To Start A Wordpress Blog

For best results read the following posts.
Make Google give you the HIGHEST rank!
SEO Guide For Beginners

Get the FIRST position on Google search pages!
High Quality Backlinks Free

Advantages of Using Blogger
Blogger is a Google product!
Google controls 98% of all internet traffic!
Google Adsense is the best advertising network!
Easy Google Adsense approval!
Get indexed on Google search pages within 24 hours!
Most internet users use Google Search to find content!
Always FREE to use!
Easy to use without any prior blogging knowledge!
Allows third-party ads!
Allows affiliate links inside posts!
Youtube belongs to Google!
Easy to place Youtube videos inside posts!
Allows images, photos, and pictures uploads!
Allows video uploads!
Allows comments moderation!
Allows email notifications!
Allows share buttons!
Allows HTML, CSS, Javascript alterations!
Allows 'dofollow' links inside posts!
Allows use of IFRAMES!
Allows URL redirect!

We not only provide good content but also free SEO training on how to start a blog and earn money. The free SEO training is basic as well as advanced in nature. We search for and provide information on all types of free SEO tools that make this endeavor easy and fruitful. To those who are looking out for faster results, we also recommend some of the economically priced but highly effective best SEO tools. Using our suggestions you will be able to start your own blog free, make Google show it at prominent positions on search pages and earn money. SEO tools are software that helps you build your blog or website in a manner that is acceptable to search engines like Google.

IMPORTANT: It is very important that absolute importance is given to the topic of building backlinks. It is one factor that stands between success and failure. We have suggested free as well as paid options in this regard. Usually, it is just this factor that separates the top-ranked from the bottom laggards. You can also purchase reasonably priced quality backlinks here: 

So avail this opportunity on free SEO training and quickly learn how to start a blog with the best tips and techniques. You will really enjoy using the best free SEO tools as you attempt the challenge to start your own blog free in great earnest. We also leave you with the option of investing in some of the economically priced best SEO tools which are very useful and will further enhance your progress.


Best FREE SEO tools to find KEYWORDS!
(this is a chrome extension)

Get your post indexed by Google within ONE hour!

Check how your post link appears on Google search!
(type your post description in the search box only)

Best SEO tools for PLAGIARISM check!

Free SEO tools to REWRITE articles and for SPINNING articles!

Grab the TOP page RANK on Google using this software!
What Is Ranksnap

FREE software to Make or Edit VIDEOS!
(max 5 minutes videos)
YouTube Movie Maker

FREE software to Make or Edit VIDEOS!
(no limit on the duration of videos)

FREE software to check your site PERFORMANCE!
Google Webmasters

Offered below is a list of tutorials that needs to be read. For best learning read in chronological order.

for starters
How To Start A Successful Blog

Get advanced SEO knowledge!
SEO Techniques

for active bloggers
How To Get Desired Post Description On Google Search Pages

How To Make A Post Your Homepage On Blogger

How To Add Your Blog To Google Webmasters

Informed with these guidelines on how to start a blog and relevant resources you are exceptionally armored with the knowledge to relish your long awaited desire to start a blogging. So make good use of all the free SEO training you are getting here and also use all the free SEO tools to your advantage and growth. So just go on and start to blog.

This is one of the most valuable sites on the whole internet containing exceptional unique content in every category and providing free SEO training in the field of blogging. It is one of the finest places to visit not just for the sheer experience but for highly well prepared learning as well. The free SEO tools are just amazing and the paid ones are not too expensive and very affordable for beginners. Here you will find articles on a vast number of topics that will keep readers engrossed in good reading. This is just what one needs to start your own blog free and start the journey in the world of blogging.

The choice of resources is immensely large and one has to check for self to know the reality of the proclamation. Your worry on how to start own blog is finally put to rest and now you can just concentrate on writing some engrossing stuff. The matter of the articles is very engrossing and in-depth because it is prepared by professionals. This is a good place not only for leisure time reading but an opportunity to get the best and latest educational knowledge. It is always a pleasurable visit for every visitor even for the one who comes regularly.

Superbly crafted tutorial on how to start a blog providing the most needed and beneficial free SEO training. Now anyone can start to blog and make use of all kinds of free SEO tools. These are undoubtedly the best SEO tools one can lay their hands on for free or for a marginal amount.

How To Start A Blog

Tags: how to start a blog, start to blog, free SEO training, free SEO tools, best SEO tools

Google+ Comments

Fantastic inputs on how to start a blog that are nice and easy to grasp. Very well crafted tutorial with plenty of references to the various types of tools that are available. The tools to find keywords are exceptional.

Absolutely super information on getting started with blog making. Most satisfying way to start to blog with such backing of knowledge. Makes for a perfect start to my career on blogging. Congratulations for such a fantastic informative page. God bless you. Keep going on folks!

Cool way to start to blog with such amounts of information. The free tools are just lovely and makes things very easy. Working smart is the mantra and use of the right tools is the name of the game. Everything needed from basic to advanced teachings. Love this place. Job well done by promoters. And everything free too! Thank you guys for this masterpiece!

Awesome information on how to start a blog for beginners and also for amateurs with the most modern inputs that will help everyone who wants to start a blog no matter what the reason. Superb free training on every aspect of blogging one can think of. The best part is taking your blog on the top search pages of Google in a professional manner. Thanks guys.


  1. Fantastic inputs on how to start a blog that are nice and easy to grasp. Very well crafted tutorial with plenty of references to the various types of tools that are available. The tools to find keywords are exceptional.

  2. Absolutely super information on getting started with blog making. Most satisfying way to start to blog with such backing of knowledge. Makes for a perfect start to my career on blogging. Congratulations for such a fantastic informative page. God bless you. Keep going on folks!

  3. Cool way to start to blog with such amounts of information. The free tools are just lovely and makes things very easy. Working smart is the mantra and use of the right tools is the name of the game. Everything needed from basic to advanced teachings. Love this place. Job well done by promoters. And everything free too! Thank you guys for this masterpiece!

  4. Awesome information on how to start a blog for beginners and also for amateurs with the most modern inputs that will help everyone who wants to start a blog no matter what the reason. Superb free training on every aspect of blogging one can think of. The best part is taking your blog on the top search pages of Google in a professional manner. Thanks guys.


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